Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Business Model Canvas Analysis of Google †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Examine about the Business Model Canvas Analysis of Google. Answer: Presentation: Google is a worldwide innovation association of American inception which primarily spends significant time in the web related items and administrations. The administrations of the organization incorporate, advancements identified with web based promoting, programming, equipment and distributed computing. The association was established in the year 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. The quick development of the association has been driven with the assistance of different items including, center web crawler of the organization (Google Search), administrations intended for the business related purposes (Google Doc, Slides and Sheets). The items incorporate, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Duo, Google+, Google Maps, Google Translate, YouTube, Google Keep, Google Photos (Google., 2018). The development of the association had begun from the year 1999 when the workplaces were moved to California. The association has experienced changes and procured numerous new organizations during t his stage. The incomes of the organization additionally expanded in a steady way from the year 2000. The internet searcher stage gave by Google had gotten predominant in the market and had the option to obtain an enormous situation of the whole market inside the year 2013. The plan of action canvas of Google will be dissected in the report dependent on the nine structure squares of business (Beckett Dalrymple, 2017). Plan of action canvas of Google Key Partners Merchants of programming Merchants of equipment Promoters Engineers of the applications Accomplices identified with dispersion Key Activities Dealing with the server farms Amplifying the system impacts R D identified with the improvement of new items Dealing with the gigantic framework dependent on IT (Dorantes-Gonzalez et al., 2015) Offer Free pursuit Free locales Free applications Free joint effort socially Free observing of the destinations Free frameworks of tasks Directed commercials Selling of the promotion space Selling of the applications Search apparatus of Google Google applications identified with business Client Relationships Mass relationship in a computerized way Direct relationship with the corporate clients Committed deals identified with huge records Client Segments Clients identified with search tasks Applications clients Locales clients Corporate clients Google+ clients Sponsor and promoting clients Proprietors of cell phones Web clients Engineers (Frana et al., 2017) Distinct advantages Accomplices of the organization Server farms Foundation of the organization Channels System of the accomplices Direct deals with the corporate clients Backing and deals groups on the worldwide stage Cost Structure Costs related client obtaining Seller costs related programming Activities costs in the server farms (Fritscher Pigneur, 2014) Income Streams Portion of the incomes identified with application deals. Charges identified with memberships Free data with respect to the clients Free data identified with the locales Income from the advertisement words Charges from authorizing Income identified with equipment Item deals of the endeavor (Ghezzi et al., 2015) Key connections between the nine structure squares Plan of action Canvas is an instrument utilized for vital administration to build up another business or the documentation of a current business. This is a visual diagram which contains the components which can depict the incentive, clients, funds and the foundation. This system can be utilized to break down the business and further finding a way to improve the different territories identified with the association. Business canvas is utilized for the reason overcoming any issues between the systems and the procedures that are executed in the business. The nine structure squares of the plan of action canvas are connected and reliant on one another (Gonalves da Silva, 2017). The plan of action canvas of Google is depicted as follows, Key Activities The key exercises that are performed by the association incorporate, the innovative work related capacities that are performed for the advancement of the new highlights and advances. These exercises additionally incorporate the improvement of the current advancements of the association. The association likewise invests a lot of energy in the administration and support related exercises of the huge foundations in the IT related administrations and items. The exercises of the association are performed on the technique, coalition and showcasing regions (Joyce Paquin, 2016). Secret weapons The distinct advantages of the association incorporate, servers, IT framework and servers that are required by the procedures in the organization. The licenses, exclusive related materials and licenses are different assets of Google. Incentive The contributions of the association point towards making an incentive for the clients identified with publicizing, web search, promoting and stages. This contribution is bolstered by the statement of purpose of the association. Client Segment The clients of the organization are separated into three significant fragments which are, the clients, promoters and the system individuals from Google. Client connections The client connections are worked to incorporate the help and deals related administrations which are devoted for the bigger clients (Ojasalo, 2015). Channels The channels are utilized to arrive at the clients with the assistance of google.com and other offshoot sites of the association. Cost Structure The essential expenses are identified with IT foundation, promoting related costs, individuals and the costs identified with innovative work. Income Streams The income stream is identified with the pay that is created from the notices in the web index. The various segments of the plan of action canvas help in the conveyance of significant worth to the clients. The incentive aides in the expansion of peculiarity to the organization with the goal that it can separate itself from the others in the market. The BMC of Google is identified with the association between the different parts so worth can be made. The business idea of Google is molded in such a way in this way, that it comprises the key drivers of business. The fundamental factor identified with the statement of purpose of Google expresses that the organization needs to focus on the clients and achievement will follow (Plenter et al., 2017). The association has built up a customer base which encourages them in understanding the clients. The providers, assets and the exercises of the association are identified with one another in such a manner along these lines, that they can convey the administrations to the clients. The incomes of the association are earned from the ads on P ay Per Click premise. The connections that are kept up by the association with the clients majorly affects the income stream. The accomplices and the channels of the organization assume a significant job in expanding the incomes of Google. Basic achievement elements of Google The basic achievement factor of Google is the planned gathering of representatives who are a significant piece of the corporate culture of the association. The gatherings are shaped by pioneers who function as a powerful and single group. The association has consistently been submitted in giving the best accessible advancements to the clients. Google has gotten ready for extensions at whatever point it was important for the productivity of the organization. The advertising and advancement related exercises of the association have consistently been performed with the assistance of the brand that has been made in the business. The brilliant showcase of the landing page of Google has had the option to pull in the consideration of the clients and clients (Romero, Villalobos Sanchez, 2015). Google has been an effective association since the hour of its commencement in the year 1998 and has made an alternate situation in the business. Be that as it may, the association may need to confront some significant issues sooner rather than later. The speculation of Google on the Google Plus stage which is being utilized to give rivalry to Facebook, anyway they have not had the option to make an easy to use stage like Facebook. The web crawler of Google is for the most part by the clients who work the PCs. Nonetheless, if there should arise an occurrence of the portable client applications are utilized significantly more when contrasted with the Google web crawler. The installment related stages that were acquainted by Google has fizzled with increase a significant part of the offer in the market. The development of the association has eased back down in the ongoing occasions because of the expanding rivalry in the business (Vargas, Calva Camacho, 2015). Suggested changes in the plan of action The association needs to expand its business with the goal that they can pick up incomes from different zones barring those that are picked up from commercials. The channels of the business group should be expanded with the goal that the association can make a huge deals power. The client fragments can be expanded by growing the business tasks in different territories. The individuals from the Google Network can be expanded by making new business openings. Google can target making their long range interpersonal communication site Google Plus substantially more intuitive and easy to understand in nature so it can contend with different associations in the business. The speculation on the association can be expanded with the goal that Google can additionally grow its tasks in the business. The association has centered its business exercises in comparable regions and this prompts the absence of assorted variety in Google, this issue can be settled by gaining new business regions. The as sociation needs to hang on their own personality when they grow their business in new territories. The significant change that can be made to the plan of action is the expansion of providers and accomplices in their own region of tasks. References Beckett, R. C., Dalrymple, J. (2017, December). Plan of action V

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Newborn Thermoregulation at birth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Infant Thermoregulation during childbirth - Essay Example The temperature of the infant is needy on the thermoregulation of the infant, yet in addition on the earth and the clinical state of the infant. An unattended infant loses heat quick and the temperature can diminish by a few degrees (British Columbia Reproductive Care Program Policy Manual, 2003). Medical caretakers and birthing assistants who take care of conveyances have a significant task to carry out in helping infants look after temperature. They are the primary individuals to interact with the little ones and they have a significant duty to guarantee that the child can keep up proper temperature. They likewise need to ensure that nature of the child, including the towels, revival hardware and the room are pre-warmed much before the infant is conveyed. Taking care of the requirements of temperature in babies is significant on the grounds that warm variations can prompt destroying metabolic results and can add to expanded dismalness and mortality in the infant. In this paper, war m guideline in an infant will be examined. In this unique circumstance, the job of a birthing specialist in advancing the strength of the infant will likewise be surveyed. The limit of the body to keep up harmony between creation of warmth and loss of warmth for food of temperature of the body inside an ordinary range is known as thermoregulation. Nonpartisan warm condition is that condition where the baby utilizes just insignificant oxygen and uses negligible vitality for support of temperature. Thermoregulation of infant is a much considered and significant point since; disturbances in warm guideline can prompt hyperthermia and cold pressure, the two of which can prompt pulverizing metabolic results in the infant. The typical center internal heat level of the infant is 36.5-37.2 degree C. Serious hypothermia is the point at which the temperature is

Saturday, August 1, 2020

ISTE 2017 Finding Your Way

ISTE 2017 Finding Your Way (0) Each summer, thousands of educators from around the world come together for the premiere event in edtech known as ISTE. I distinctly remember my first time attending ISTE many years ago in San Antonio, Texas. As a part of a group of 6 educators from my school district, I was excited to explore the new and innovative practices that I knew would be waiting for me. Truly, I had no idea what was in store for me. The connections, the ideas, the innovation… it was overwhelming. As I get ready for this summer’s return to Texas, I have taken some time to reflect on what I’ve learned as an attendee and offer up the following ten items for your consideration if you are planning a trip to ISTE at the end of June.  Wear comfortable shoes The San Antonio convention center is huge and you’ll do a lot of walking making comfortable shoes a must.  Plan your days ISTE has so much to see and so many ways to connect with ideas and other people. In order to take advantage of all there is to offer, you have to prioritize. In the days leading up to the conference, take a look at what’s offered and plan accordingly. Remember that you can’t see everything, so make choices that will serve you well when you return home. Figure out where the sessions you want to attend are and know where it is that you want to go so you don’t spend valuable time wandering lost. You will definitely have to make decisions about how to spend your time and thoughtful planning can help with that. Be strategic about what you want to learn and find those sessions that will help you.  Select a backup session As you’re planning your time, chances are you’ll find that there are multiple sessions in any one time slot that you might want attend. Be sure to have a backup session to go to in case your first choice is full. There are thousands of other educators at ISTE right along with you. If you’re interested in a session, chances are someone else is, and, try as they might, the conference committee charged with the planning of the event cannot fully predict what will fill up and what won’t.  Visit the playgrounds One of the great learning opportunities that ISTE provides are playgrounds that are put together to give you multiple opportunities around a given topic. These playgrounds are typically hands on with presenters talking to small groups of people. They give you the opportunity to ask questions and learn from their experiences. Whether you’re interested in Google, creativity, librarianship, virtual worlds or a multitude of other topics, playgrounds will give you a ton of ideas from other educators who are doing the work right now. Keep in mind that this is a drop in session and not something that you would need to block off the entire time to participate in.  Don’t forget the poster sessions Poster sessions are meant to give educators the opportunity to have a more casual learning experience by setting up booths to wander through and learn about projects and ideas that others are doing in their schools. As another drop in session, poster sessions differ in that you have the opportunity to really engage in conversation with the presenters and see what others are doing around the world. I’ve â€" discovered some of my best classroom ideas from poster sessions and know that there’s something there for everyone.  Download the app The ISTE Conference app is a wealth of information and will keep you updated throughout your time in San Antonio. Use it to plan your schedule and find those first, second and third choices for sessions that you want to attend.  Abide by the “Rule of Two Feet” If you get into a session and it’s not what you thought it would be or you feel like you would be better served by attending something else, get up and leave. This is a time for you to be selfish because you are there to learn for you. The speaker is there to share what they are doing and if it doesn’t fit for you then find a session that does.  Explore the Exhibit Hall One of the most fabulously daunting areas of ISTE is the Exhibit Hall where vendors and organizations come together to showcase their products and teach you about what’s new and exciting in the world of edtech. It’s a massive maze of people who are eager to tell you about what’s new with their products and many even have teaching booths where they will give you tips and tricks about how to use their tools. This should definitely be a part of your overall plan.  Leave space in your suitcase As you explore the Exhibit Hall, you’ll be treated to lots of swag from lots of companies. From t-shirts to bags, pens to water bottles, when you walk out you’ll definitely have some stuff to take with you. I know some people who have brought an extra bag just to take stuff home.  Take time to connect Even with all of the tips above, the best advice I can offer about attending an ISTE conference is to not be afraid to strike up a conversation with others. This is the largest gathering of those interested in edtech on the planet and everyone is there for the same reason. They want to learn and connect in order to make their schools and classrooms better places. Don’t miss an opportunity to make a new friend. You may even end up collaborating on a project at some point, but regardless, you’ll learn about what others are doing and bring those ideas home with you. If this is your first (or tenth) ISTE conference, I would encourage you to take these tips to heart and be mindful of your experience. San Antonio is a wonderful venue for this learning opportunity and I hope you find it as fulfilling as I have over the years. And if you see me walking around, be sure to say hi. I’d love to chat about all the amazing stuff that’s happening in your schools and classrooms. Bill Bass will be a part of a variety of sessions at the 2017 ISTE Conference including Empowerment and Expertise: Future Ready Librarians Are Leading and Creating a Data Dashboard with Google Spreadsheets. See here for more details of where to find him.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Relationship Between Secure Attachment And Self Esteem Essay

The relationship between Secure attachment and self-esteem in adults Kathryn O’Dwyer 30323696 Federation University Abstract The attachments you create with parents when you are younger are very important for the relationships you experience later in life; and the self-esteem you live with when experiencing adulthood. To examine whether there is a relationship between secure attachment and self-esteem, 520 undergraduate psychology students were to complete two questionnaires; The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1989) measures self-esteem and Attachment Style Questionnaire – Modified (ASQ-Mod; Feeney, Noller, Hanrahan, 1994) to measure attachment type. As predicted the participants who have a secure attachment type were likely to have high levels of self-esteem, this was supported by the medium positive correlation coefficient (r = .326) between self-esteem and secure attachment. The relationship between Secure attachment and self-esteem in adults Have you ever thought of the type of attachment established with your parents at a young age, to be similar to the attachment currently experienced with people? And knowing that whatever attachment type you formed accounts for the levels of self-esteem you possess? Attachment is characterized by specific behaviors in children, such as seeking proximity with the attachment figure when upset or threatened (Bowlby, 1969). According to research, over 50% of the population are secure attachment typesShow MoreRelatedThe Common Romantic Relationship Relationships1243 Words   |  5 Pagesinvolved in a romantic relationship or will be eventually. The most common romantic relationship includes the sexual dating relationship, the domestic partnership, and the marriage. The adults or partners involved in these relationships inevitably reach a point of conflict and how they react to the conflict can show whether the partners are a securely, avoidant, or anxious attached person. The securely att ached adults usually have a positive view when dealing with relationship issues. Whereas, an avoidantRead MoreInfant Attachment Essay1434 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Infant attachment is the first relationship a child experiences and is crucial to the child’s survival (BOOK). A mother’s response to her child will yield either a secure bond or insecurity with the infant. Parents who respond â€Å"more sensitively and responsively to the child’s distress† establish a secure bond faster than â€Å"parents of insecure children†. (Attachment and Emotion, page 475) The quality of the attachment has â€Å"profound implications for the child’s feelings of security andRead MoreThe Theory Of Attachment Theory1421 Words   |  6 Pages There are a lot of close relationship theory that are studied in social psychology but one of the main theory is attachment theory. This theory not only provides a framework for understanding emotional reactions in infants but also in love, loneliness, and grief in adults. In adults there are attachment styles that are a type of working model that explains certain behaviors that are developed at infancy and childhood. An infant requires two basic attitudes during their earliest interactionsRead MoreThe Influence of Parenting Styles and Attachment Styles on Relationship Designs986 Words   |  4 Pagesdevelopmental psychologists will agree that the attachment styles and parenting styles a child receives is the design for the rest of their relationships. 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The security of attachment between an infant and their primary caregiver can have profound consequences for the developing brain, impacting an infant’s future relationships, self-esteem, and ability to self-regulate emotions (Carruth, 2006). Attachment theory, first theorized by John Bowlby (1988), stresses the significanceRead MoreRelationship Between Security Of Attachment And Cognitive Development1513 Words   |  7 PagesThe relationship between security of attachment and cognitive developmen t creates the underlying foundation from which individual’s operate throughout the lifespan (Carruth, 2006). The security of attachment between an infant and their primary caregiver can have profound consequences for the developing brain, impacting an infant’s future relationships, self-esteem, and ability to self-regulate emotions (Carruth, 2006). Attachment theory, first theorized by John Bowlby (1988), stresses the significanceRead MoreAnalysis of Ainsworth ´s Strange Situation773 Words   |  4 Pagesbonding between mother and infant has an effect on the infant’s behavior and development. How mother’s respond to their infant’s signals is major in the development of mother and infant relationships. Ainsworth study investigated how attachments might vary between children, the nature of attachment behaviors and styles of attachment. Ainsworth theory was to help prove validity to Bowlby’s attachment theory that infants who experienced a secure attachment â€Å"is likely to see attachment figuresRead MoreExplain the Importance of Resilience in Children and Young People885 Words   |  4 Pagesresilience which develop through children’s life experiences — the main ones can be summarised as follows: Good self esteem derives from being accepted by people whose relationship one values and from accomplishment in tasks one values. Praise, on its own, will not improve self-esteem; the child him or herself has also to ascribe value to the achievement. A belief in one’s own self-efficacy means having the qualities of optimism; ‘stickability’ and believing that one’s own efforts can make a differenceRead MoreChildhood Attachment Disorders And Its Effects On The Developing Brain1473 Words   |  6 PagesInsecure attachments in childhood can have a profound impact on the developing brain, which in turn affects an individual’s relationships, self-esteem, and self-regulation. Substance use disorders are a common response to unresolved childhood pain which is perpetuated by the inability to self-soothe and regulate one’s emotions. Those with undiagnosed attachment disorders can exhibit misguided attempts at protecting oneself through the use of substances. Studies with children suggest that reactive

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Globalisation Essay - 610 Words

Globalisation – argumentative essay Globalisation is a really widespread topic. There are millions of definitions, opinions, organisations and perspectives because it concerns the whole world. This essay is a try to give some information and to explain my view of the issue. The starting point of globalisation is not defined yet, but most scientists think it started in the sixteenth century, when the first circumnavigation of the â€Å"Magellan† took place. Though, the first sentiment of a â€Å"united world† was formed by the establishment of the world time zones. At that time international communication started as well. Globalisation is an effect of capitalism – huge companies want to expand into the whole world for more profit – and†¦show more content†¦So he has to sell to a corporation which supports him with hybrid seeds where the plant blooms just one time. After that, new ones have to be replanted. The farmers get addicted to the company and has no other choice. One square meter of the rainforest costs 10 cent. Huge faces have been chopped for the plantation of soy for animal food in Europe. The farmers of these fields have to suffer from hunger and to drink polluted water. - These are just a few of the (of course true) approaches of the anti-capitalism organisations like ATTAC. Personally, I think that at the moments the negative effects of globalisation prevail. In an interview the CEO of Nestlà ©, the world’s biggest food corporation, Peter Brabeck said that there are two opinions about the most important raw material – water. The first one (and people who think like that) is really extreme: it says that every human being should have free access to water. The other (and of course it is his own opinion) is that water is really precious and has to be sold. When I hear such statements I think that CEOs of multinational companies should change their opinions and strategies. The main idea of globalisation is not bad and there are already several advantages and positive effects. But only for people who live in the first world and get a job in a corporation. The aim for the next years should be to work out plans how to improve the situation of poor countries, how they can join the competition and how theShow MoreRelatedGlobalisation Essay2421 Words   |  10 PagesIntroduction Globalisation has already existed for thousands of years. People have been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. So what is globalisation? Globalisation is a process of interaction and integration among the people, company, and governments of differentRead More Sociology and Globalisation Essay2142 Words   |  9 Pagessociety. In this essay I will give a detailed explanation of what sociologists mean by the term ‘globalisation’ and how they have tried to explain it. Globalisation can be construed in many ways. Many sociologists describe it as an era in which national sovereignty is disappearing as a result of a technological revolution, causing space and time to be virtually irrelevant. It is an economic revolution, which Roland Robertson refers to in his book ‘Globalisation’ 1992 pg 8, as â€Å"the compressionRead MoreEssay On Globalisation1207 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is Globalisation? Globalisation is the process in which all the other nations of the planet come together to expand out exchanges and social trade. This results in a trade of different perspectives, knowledge, items and culture. Many goods and services have increased, because of worldwide trading, throughout the past years. How has globalisation changed over the past 30 years? Globalisation has changed over the past 30 years due to changes made between technology, such as transportationRead MoreEconomics Globalisation Essay3737 Words   |  15 PagesAugust 14 August 14 Economics 2013 grade 11 Economics 2013 grade 11 Globalisation Research Essay Sarah Morritt-Smith and Bilqees Baker â€Å"THE WORLD HAS BECOME OUR GLOBAL VILLAGE Globalisation is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. Put in simple terms, globalization refers to processes that increase world-wide exchanges of national and cultural resources. Advances in transportation and telecommunicationsRead MoreCorruption and Globalisation Essay5195 Words   |  21 PagesCorruption and Globalisation - Both of them have been so pervasive in recent years. According to a BBC survey, corruption ranked as the second biggest problem people concern in the world and globalisation ranked first. Are there any links between the two? To what extend they are related to each other? And what effect do they have? 1. Introduction Both globalisation and corruption are the words that have been used frequently in public debates all over the world in the last few years, andRead MoreEssay on Globalisation of the Apple Corporation 1571 Words   |  7 PagesGlobalisation: The Apple Corporation Globalisation highlights a process in which national and more localised economies, societies, and cultures are become interconnected through the worldwide network of trade, communication, immigration and transportation. (Anon., 2014) This essay will assess to what extent the Global Corporation Apple meets Luke Martell’s 5 criteria of Globalization. Upon establishing these 5 steps which are Global in distance, globally Inclusive, Interdependency, and StabilityRead MoreDevelopment and Globalisation Essay7740 Words   |  31 PagesDevelopment and Globalisation Development A process of social and economic advancement in terms of the quality of human life. Development can involve can involve economic, demographic, social political and cultural changes. Development is a term that can be used in many different contexts whether it is social, economical, political etc. However generally development refers to an improvement in certain areas: †¢ Economic o An increase in the country’s economy withRead MoreGlobalisation and Facebook Essay2338 Words   |  10 PagesTo what extent does Martell’s concept of globalisation apply to Facebook? Facebook has undergone through multiple globalisation processes that have been particular identifiable over the recent decades. 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I will assess whether through globalisation of the media we are in fact overcoming cultural borders and traditional stereotypes and in turn forging a mutual respect between foreign communities, or as Said argues (Said cited in Crary amp; Mariani1990), whether globalisation and Western media dominance through peripheralRead MoreAspects of Globalisation Essay1778 Words   |  8 PagesAspects of Globalisation The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defined globalisation as, The geographical dispersion of industrial and service activities (for example, research and development, sourcing of inputs, production and distribution and the cross border networking of companies (for example through joint ventures and the sharing of assets) Economic activity is becoming organised on a global scale giving a new international

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

To My Dead Homie Free Essays

Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you and describe that influence. My life changed in September of 2009 when I met my good friend Nate Thomas. It all began in the Halls of Roman Catholic High School. We will write a custom essay sample on To My Dead Homie or any similar topic only for you Order Now I had dreamt of the day I could finally wear purple and gold with pride and represent Roman. However, my first day of school was very different than expected. In middle school, I was used to being known by fellow students and teachers throughout the hallways, in the cafeteria and on the basketball court, but at Roman I had to start all over. I was in unfamiliar territory and in need of immediate guidance and friendship. On my first day, I was unloading books out of my locker, when a 4 foot 2 fellow freshman arrived at the locker next to me to do the same. We introduced ourselves and realized, regardless of our noticeable height difference, that we shared many things in common. From that moment, Nate became one of my best friends and someone I could count on for anything. Nate was born with pulmonary tricuspid atresia, which basically means he was born with the complete absence of the tricuspid valve. Aside from Nate’s height, no one could tell he had a congenital heart disease. Nate was not only at every Roman basketball game, but could be heard cheering the loudest in the gym. He never once complained about his illness, but rather embraced each day as a gift with a positive spirit. When I faced obstacles or setbacks, Nate was quick to offer guidance not judgement. One of the biggest setbacks for me occurred on the basketball court. As a junior, I was excited to be an upperclassman and help contribute to a talented varsity team. However, to my dismay I was put on the Junior Varsity team. At first, I was discouraged, angry, and an overall miserable person. I thought â€Å"How could they do this to me? I had forever dreamt of being a member of the Varsity team. † My initial reaction of negativity and pity for myself is not something I am proud of as I look back on my experiences. After confiding in Nate about not making Varsity, he asked me â€Å"How much do I enjoy playing basketball and what was I willing to do to prove I deserved to be on the Varsity team? I realized that was his way of telling me to â€Å"get over it and work harder. † Nate made me realize that all obstacles challenge us and help us grow stronger whether it be mentally, physically or both. I ended up playing both Junior Varsity and Varsity my junior year because of my work ethic and drive to compete with the best. I credit this to Nate and his ability to make every situation a positive one. As I embark on my senior year at R oman, I begin to reflect on the person I have become today and continue to grow into. Nate’s guidance, advice and friendship is something I will never forgot nor take for granted. His genuine kindness and happiness is something I hope to emulate throughout the years to come. Some would say Nate lost his fight against this illness on August 13, 2012, but I think through his passing he has left an even greater legacy on us all and now continues watching over us and pushing us to live life with his same positive spirit and drive to be the best we can. As I look back on my 3 years at Roman and think about things I considered setbacks, I am able to see the bigger picture. Yes I was devastated about not initially making the Varsity team, but I now realize it was the bigger picture of not giving up and working hard in a positive way to achieve my goals, which was Nate’s advice. So while yes Nate and I were the same age and met as two Freshman on the first day of school, he was wise beyond his years and someone I call my friend, mentor, brother, but most of all my hero. How to cite To My Dead Homie, Essay examples

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Health Care Industry

Introduction Health Care is a term used to refer to all duties geared towards provision of necessary measures concerned with human health. Such duties and services are normally provided through professionally trained medical personnel (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). However, provision of medical services always requires adequate finances from the recipient for health stability to be maintained.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on The Health Care Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This should be organized based on medical legislative policies and standards governing the healthcare system within specified regions or countries. The health care industry faces numerous challenges which require urgent and adequate address; these challenges are in form of costs as well as complex processes followed to ensure delivery of right services. Various economic effects also contributes towards rising costs on health insurance premiums, this has seen reduction in access to efficient medical care. Such factors have led to elimination of health care insurance services by most employers (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Summary of the selected chapter The chapter focuses on the challenges facing healthcare sector in the process of providing their services to individuals, this includes the provision of health care insurance it’s pricing and the effects on population. The healthcare industry comprises of several services including those given in hospitals, nursing homes, laboratories and health care experts. There are indeed numerous communication tools utilized by the caregivers which could help in the facilitation of health care provision. Such tools are capable of delivering necessary guidance and support hence assist in enhancing citizens’ confidence on their health care system and management. Health care management plans should be provided so as to help faci litate the processes of managing health conditions in an appropriate and consistent way based on medical personal plan. Several policies have been proposed by the United States concerning patient health protection based on affordable services (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Other countries also have systems concerning the same where national health insurance is paid by the government using tax revenues ensuring that individuals can access health services at affordable costs or no cost at all. However, in America the private health insurance is currently paid by the employers.Advertising Looking for proposal on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has had dire consequences to the population since health paid for in such manner could create intractable incentives which could lead to higher prices. The other problem also emerges on the regulation process which will require up-grading of the curre nt insurance system (Health Care 434). Health care costs require review to the extent of enabling consumers purchase their value for money services. Health care marginal benefits should be positive and of great benefit to the society. Rationing mechanisms might be utilized to ensure control on the cost of health care; even the use of non-price mechanisms such as offering health insurance could be utilized. The United States applies the use of government insurance regulation which has had both positive and negative impacts (Health Care 443). Supply of medical practitioners is also raising concerns since despite increase in number of physicians; their services fail to meet the demand of the American population. Technological changes within the medical field have also affected the industry by lowering costs such as reducing lengths of stay in hospitals but at the same time some technological advances have significantly increased the prices of services offered (Health Care 444). In addi tion, there is also emergence of managed-care organizations which assists in controlling costs of medication ensuring that all citizens irrespective of their social status reduces their health care expenditures. Moral Hazard Problem This problem involves the issue when one party alters the agreement signed between two parties in a way that is costly and detrimental to the other party. There are several inefficiencies prevalent within the health care system. Such include fraud and abuse cases against patients by the medical staff in exposing confidential medical information concerning individuals. According to medical ethics it is always necessary for Health information obtained from patients to be personalized and kept confidential as per the agreement between the patient and the medical practitioner. This offers some confidence on the side of the patient hence expresses readiness to seek more and more medical counselling. Patients’ medical reports should always be handled wi th lots of caution and every effort applied to ensure their protection since it can either act as source of encouragement or discouragement depending on how such information is handled by the experts. Exposing medical information concerning patients with certain diseases may lead to social discrimation within the job market (Health Care 434-484).Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on The Health Care Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From another perspective health care insurance at times causes people to react in different ways. It at times makes people to be reluctant on the issues concerning their personal health hence not paying much attention on preventive measures. The insurance cover also makes individuals at times to breach their integrity on the use of medical incentives. They are times when individuals are tempted to use healthcare frequently than expected compared to when there is no provision on insurance coverage. Weak security accorded to patient’s medical information could be attributed to lack of appropriate information system technology. However, with the improvement in technological know-how, high standards of ethics and technology are applicable for the confidentiality purposes in all sectors within the industry. Such standards are expected to be maintained within organizational bodies such as healthcare clearinghouse concerned with data retrieval and compilation. This should happen for the purposes of building good rapport between individuals and medical specialist (Health Care 434-484). Falsification of medical records should be treated with a lot of concern. All the records need to be straight including those of third parties. The manner in which medical records as well as financial records are handled within health institutions determines to a large extent the level if investors interests in providing support to healthcare system. All entries for every tra nsaction should be shown for accountability purposes as well as maintaining financial integrity. Financial management within the health care industry should be realigned to reflect the standards based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. GAAP ensures that the right financial procedures are applied and followed by all medics in relation to organization’s activities, calling for their full cooperation in providing valid information (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) Inappropriate information on financial records should lead to direct termination of the concerned employee. Un-ethical practices within medical field in line with financial management include; alteration of true financial transaction figures, inappropriate entries on income and expenditures, maintenance of fraudulent accounting reports and documents, recording any payments outside those described within the confines of the hospitals’ rules and regulations and forgery of signatories (U.S. D epartment of Health and Human Services).Advertising Looking for proposal on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Integrity of healthcare institutions revolves around the reputation of its employees. Medical organizations should not allow personal financial inducements to control their overall professional performances on administering appropriate treatment. All activities and practices should be performed under the guidance of already set ethical principles. Various core values guarding individual services within medical institutions should be observed even by the various medical associates, like pharmacists and medical engineers (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Solution to the problem The problem could be addressed through enforcement of ‘Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996’ (HIPAA) security which applies comprehensive address on the legislative procedures concerning individual health policies (Rada). The policy enables easy identification of fraudulent activities within the health care industry, and also protects patients from such abuses as job discrimination. The statute enables Americans to easily access health insurance benefits since it makes easy insurance portability processes. All individual medical documents are transformed into reports which are easily approved by the concerned organizational bodies dealing with medical reports. The procedure is used in keeping policy records with high level of confidentiality and ensures maintenance of integrity. There is also provision on the necessary fines imposed on individuals upon breaching of the policies within the statute. Managed-care organizations work closely with the statute in ensuring that patients are well served by various physicians despite looming disadvantages provided by the policies. There should be no denial of highly effective treatment based on the prices charged by the medics, this would ensure that proper insurance services are extended to millions of people within the United States (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Works Cit ed Health Care. Microeconomics Issues and Policies. NY: Health Administration Press, 2010. Print. Rada, Rodgers. How HIPAA Compliant Can Any Technology Be?† HIPAA Advisory: Phoenix Health Systems. Web. 2010 Web. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. â€Å"Security and Electronic Signature Standards; Proposed Rule.† The Federal Register, 63.155 (1998): 43242-43280. Web. This proposal on The Health Care Industry was written and submitted by user Sylas B. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 20, 2020

World War II Essays - World War II, Military Strategy, Free Essays

World War II Essays - World War II, Military Strategy, Free Essays World War II In the early morning hours of September 1, 1939, the German armies marched into Poland. On September 3 the British and French surprised Hitler by declaring war on Germany, but they had no plans for rendering active assistance to the Poles. The Battle of Britain In the summer of 1940, Hitler dominated Europe from the North Cape to the Pyrenees. His one remaining active enemy?Britain, under a new prime minister, Winston Churchill?vowed to continue fighting. Whether it could was questionable. The British army had left most of its weapons on the beaches at Dunkirk. Stalin was in no mood to challenge Hitler. The U.S., shocked by the fall of France, began the first peacetime conscription in its history and greatly increased its military budget, but public opinion, although sympathetic to Britain, was against getting into the war. The Germans hoped to subdue the British by starving them out. In June 1940 they undertook the Battle of the Atlantic, using submarine warfare to cut the British overseas lifelines. The Germans now had submarine bases in Norway and France. At the outset the Germans had only 28 submarines, but more were being built?enough to keep Britain in danger until the spring of 1943 and to carry on the battle for months thereafter. Invasion was the expeditious way to finish off Britain, but that meant crossing the English Channel; Hitler would not risk it unless the British air force could be neutralized first. As a result, the Battle of Britain was fought in the air, not on the beaches. In August 1940 the Germans launched daylight raids against ports and airfields and in September against inland cities. The objective was to draw out the British fighters and destroy them. The Germans failed to reckon with a new device, radar, which greatly increased the British fighters' effectiveness. Because their own losses were too high, the Germans had to switch to night bombing at the end of September. Between then and May 1941 they made 71 major raids on London and 56 on other cities, but the damage they wrought was too indiscriminate to be militarily decisive. On September 17, 1940, Hitler postponed the invasion indefinitely, thereby conceding defeat in the Battle of Britain. U.S. Aid to Britain The U.S. abandoned strict neutrality in the European war and approached a confrontation with Japan in Asia and the Pacific Ocean. U.S. and British conferences, begun in January 1941, determined a basic strategy for the event of a U.S. entry into the war, namely, that both would center their effort on Germany, leaving Japan, if need be, to be dealt with later. In March 1941 the U.S. Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act and appropriated an initial $7 billion to lend or lease weapons and other aid to any countries the president might designate. By this means the U.S. hoped to ensure victory over the Axis without involving its own troops. By late summer of 1941, however, the U.S. was in a state of undeclared war with Germany. In July, U.S. Marines were stationed in Iceland, which had been occupied by the British in May 1940, and thereafter the U.S. Navy took over the task of escorting convoys in the waters west of Iceland. In September President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized ships on convoy duty to attack Axis war vessels. The German Invasion of the USSR The war's most massive encounter began on the morning of June 22, 1941, when slightly more than 3 million German troops invaded the USSR. Although German preparations had been visible for months and had been talked about openly among the diplomats in Moscow, the Soviet forces were taken by surprise. Stalin, his confidence in the country's military capability shaken by the Finnish war, had refused to allow any counteractivity for fear of provoking the Germans. Moreover, the Soviet military leadership had concluded that blitzkrieg, as it had been practiced in Poland and France, would not be possible on the scale of a Soviet-German war; both sides would therefore confine themselves for the first several weeks at least to sparring along the frontier. The Soviet army had 2.9 million troops on the western border and outnumbered the Germans by two to one in tanks and by two

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

5 Minute Speech Topics on Euthanasia

5 Minute Speech Topics on Euthanasia 5 Minute Speech Topics on Euthanasia Writing about euthanasia is important because it is a currently debated topic, one about which laws are being made. It is therefore essential to understand some history behind the issue, how it is relevant today. If you are assigned with a 5 minute speech on this issue, then you can consider yourself quite lucky. Here you have 5 minute speech topics that are relevant and really interesting. After selecting one from the list, you need to define the purpose of your speech. The purpose might be to inform the readers or to persuade them. If you need help finding the topic you will use, consider the 20 examples below. Remember too that these are meant as guiding examples, and you might find one you want to use as it is, or one you want to slightly edit before putting it into use: Neil Campbell’s Problem with Voluntary Euthanasia Legislative Barriers to Legalizing Euthanasia Age Limitations to Access Legal Euthanasia Why Certain Conditions and Diseases Should Prohibit People from Choosing Euthanasia The Social Cost of Euthanasia Forced versus Voluntary Euthanasia: Which Is More Ethical The Psychological Burden on Medical Staff Administering Euthanasia The Ethics of Media Coverage for Voluntary Euthanasia Cases How Euthanasia Can Reduce Medical Costs: Circumventing Life Support and Its Expenses The Loss of Dignity and Self-Respect: When Euthanasia Is a Saving Grace Cultural Arguments Against Euthanasia: Why Not Everyone Can Agree Voluntary Euthanasia: A New Chapter for Capital Punishment Religions and Euthanasia: Where the Boundaries Lie Individual Freedom: When States Can Encroach upon It by Prohibiting Euthanasia Re-Considering Euthanasia as a Cure for Traditionally Incurable Diseases Dying with Dignity: The Argument for Euthanasia Ancient Greek Mercy Killings and Abortions: The Historical Roots of Euthanasia Euthanasia: The Right to Die The Freedom to Live, But Not to Die: The Constitutionality of Euthanasia Re-Defining the Role of Doctors: Bringers of Death The writing process can be long and arduous, but have no fear. By breaking it into smaller tasks it will be much easier to complete it in a timely fashion. With a 5 minute speech, you want to make sure you cover the key points thoroughly, without talking too quickly. You should practice timing yourself after you write your draft so that you know how much time you will use. After you have written the piece, you need to take a break. It is important that you complete this process by looking for one thing at a time. If you try to look for everything all at once by reading through your final document a single time, you are sure to miss things but if you take time to read through it once for spelling, once for grammar, once for organization, etc. then you will find that things magically fall into place. Our academic writing company is committed to provide students with high-quality custom speech writing service available always online.

Monday, February 17, 2020

The unique features of Newar Buddhism and their development Essay

The unique features of Newar Buddhism and their development - Essay Example This study will be concentrated on the special features of Newar Buddhism with regard to its organizational structure and major activities of its Sa-gha . In order to outline and evaluate the complex connections among the many important factors, this discussion shall be divided into three parts. A brief historic synopsis will give a general overview of the evolution of Buddhism in Nepal. Then the relevant features of Newar Buddhism, with respect to its own evolution, shall be presented. Finally, in the last part, there will be made an attempt to evaluate the influence of these features on the decline of Newar Buddhism. The mythology of Nepal reaches far back to countless eons, accounting for the lives of twenty-four previous mortal Buddhas4. According to the myth, the Katmandu Valley was a lake before Maà ±juÅ›rÄ « drained it with his sword to make it inhabitable. However, even in more recent times legends have remained difficult to separate from historic facts.5 The first of the five historic periods of the Katmandu Valley lasts until the 5th century AD and includes mythical and semi-mythical dynasties, such as the GopÄ la, the AhÄ «r and the KirÄ ta6. At least the KirÄ ta are known from traditional chronicles, and are said to have ruled the Katmandu Valley during the time of ÅšÄ kyamuni Buddha. The first major Indian power that recorded in relations to the Katmandu Valley was the early Gupta dynasty (1st – 4th century AD).7 Whereas Ashoka’s earlier visit to Kapilavasu in the 3rd century BC is accepted by historians, his alleged visit to the Katmandu Valley is not. The second period refers to the rule over a small area within the Katmandu Valley by the aristocratic Licchavi family (about 464 – 880 AD), which is known as the first line of Nepalese kings.8 The Chinese pilgrim Hsà ¼an-tsang recorded that various monasteries (Skt vihÄ ras) existed9 in the 7th century side by side with Hindu temples.

Monday, February 3, 2020

The American Constitution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The American Constitution - Research Paper Example The Anti-Federalists, those opposed to the proposed constitution, included John Hancock, Samuel Adams, and Patrick Henry who also wrote a series of essays now referred to as the Anti-Federalist papers. They were fearful the will of the states would be dominated by the potential authority of centralized federal government. The Federalists attempted to reassure the doubters that they did not intend to create a governing system much like the tyrannical in British system which the colonists had just fought a protracted war to escape. The Anti-federalists ensured this stated intention by opposing the Constitution as written and insisting it contain further clarification of civil liberties by inserting the first ten Amendments, the Bill of Rights. The first ten amendments to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights were crafted as a compromise that was forged between the two differing viewpoints. The terminology describing these divergent viewpoints is somewhat misleading. The Anti-Federalists could actually be better described as federalists because they wanted the government to be a federation of independent states. Federalists would be better defined as Nationalists because they wanted an authoritative federal government. This paper examines the point of view of both Federalists and Anti-Federalists and the method by which they reached a compromise after two years of contentious debate and an explanation as to why one was ultimately the best choice. The Necessity of the Constitution The Federalist Papers expressed the limitations of the loosely associated union between the states that was present at the time as well as the benefits of uniting the states into an efficient central government. The Federalists were wealthy business and land owners who believed that a powerful centralized federal government governed by influential, learned persons would promote commerce which was both to their and the country’s benefit. John Jay specified this reason first over all other motives to unite the states by ratifying a constitution in the second of the Federalist Papers, â€Å"It has until lately been a received and uncontradicted opinion that the prosperity of the people of America depended on their continuing firmly united, and the wishes, prayers, and efforts of our best and wisest citizens have been constantly directed to that object† (Jay, 1787: Fed. #2). The Federalists’ interests were positioned principally in a robust economy which they argued would contribute to the security and prosperity of all citizens. It is probable that at least part of their motivation to create a strong federal government was their own economic interest. Essentially, the Papers defended the idea of republicanism within the Constitution. In addition to financial advantages, the Federalists made a persuasive case for the forming of a powerful federal government by emphasizing the necessity for securing and preserving the lives, liberty and property of th e new nation’s citizens. By combining interests and resources, the military and economic weaknesses of the loosely allied states would be significantly strengthened which would act to safeguard the entire country from both internal and external dissension. The nation as a whole would become less susceptible from a

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Intravenous therapy is an infusion of medicine and fluids into vein

Intravenous therapy is an infusion of medicine and fluids into vein BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Intravenous therapy is an infusion of medicine and fluids into a vein. IV therapy is essential part of clinical use. There are also complications which included in IV infusion are local and systemic, local include thrombophlebitis, infiltration, extravasations, nerve injury and systemic include bacteremia, septicemia, emboli, thrombus, circulatory overload etc . Thrombophlebitis,Thrombo means clot Phlebo means vein and itis means inflammation. Thrombophlebitis refers to the presence of a clot plus inflammation in the vein. Phlebitis is defined as the acute inflammation of internal lining of the vein Infusion Nursing Standards of Practice (2000). According to international association of pain (IASP) (1994), pain is an unpleasant sensory experience associated with actual and potential tissue damage. The pain is classified as nociceptive, neuropathic, acute and chronic pain. The nociceptive pain is caused due to damage to somatic or visceral tissue damage which pain from surgical incision ,a broken bone, or arthritis ,the neuropathic pain is caused by damage to peripheral nerves or CNS which include trauma, inflammation ,metabolic diseases like diabetes mellitus, tumors, toxins, and neurologic diseases such as multiple sclerosis and acute pain is dure to post operative pain ,labour pain, and pain from trauma and the chronic pain is for longer periods due to cancer. Pain is a highly unpleasant and professional sensation that cannot be shared with others. It can occupy all a personal thinking, direct all activities and change a person. Yet pain is a difficult concept for a client to communicate. Pain is universal experience its exact nature becomes mystery. Unrelieved pain presents both physiological and psychological hazards to health and recovery. Care givers should include assessment of pain as a fifth vital sign to emphasize its significance and to increase the awareness among the health care professional of the importance of effective pain management. There are many non pharmacological measures which is provided including massage, exercise, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, accupunture heat therapy, cold therapies, and cognitive therapies including distraction ,hypnosis and relaxation strategies. Edema which is the accumulation of fluid in subcutaneous tissue due to extracellular volume expansion. There is swelling of tissues which can be demonstrated by pressing lightly with the thumb over a bony prominence especially on dorsum of feet and around the ankles. The types of edema include hydrostatic edema, oncotic edema, inflammatory and traumatic edema and lymphatic edema. Phlebitis can be classified into 3 three categories which include mechanical, chemical and bacterial where mechanical is due to the size of cannula is too big for the selected vein causing unnecessary friction on the internal lining leading to inflammation, chemical phlebitis is due to peripheral IV devices when the medication or solution irritate the endothelial lining of the small peripheral vessel wall and bacterial phlebitis is usually precursor to an infection at the infection site. Thrombophlebitis is evident by localized pain,redness, warmth, and swelling around the insertion site or along the path of the vein,immobility of the extremity because of discomfort and swelling. Non pharmacological treatment includes discontinuing the IV, applying a warm compress, elevating of the extremity, and restraining the line in the opposite extremity .In the presence of signs and symptoms of thrombophlebitis, one should not attempt to irrigate the line. Pharmacological and non pharmacological agents are available for relief of pain, edema and inflammation. The cost and side effects are comparatively high in modern medicine. The number of client seeking unconventional treatment has risen considerably. Nonpharmocological therapies, natural therapies, cryotherapies, and aromatherapies are available with less expensive and fewer side effects. Likewise in combact aloveragel is also very much used in reducing pain, edema and severity of inflammation. For local treatment in order to relieve pain, edema and severity of inflammation alovera gel can be used. Since in the era of Ancient Egypt humans having using aloe. They used one of the ingredients of embalming fluid. In the tenth century, the Europeans were introduced, where it became an important ingredient in many herbal medicines. By the sixteenth century, aloe arrived in the West Indies, where still today it is harvested. Alovera is one of the therapeutic herbs as a healing plant. The uses of aloe of popularized in 1950s itself.There are over 300 different types of aloe, but only a few were used traditionally as an herbal medicine. In the middle ages the yellowish liquid found inside the leaves was a favored as purgative. Aloevera gel is the mucilaginious gel produced from the centre (the parenchyma) of the plant leaf. It contains 400 species.The gel portion of the plant is prepared by peeling the outer portion of the skin and the pericap away. It is preparation which is called pure aloevera gel in commerce. Aloevera is thick, tapered with spiny leaves grow from a short stalk near ground level. It is not a cactus, but a member of the tree Lilly family known as Aloe Barbandesis. Some species , in particular Aloevera are used in alternative medicine and in home first aid .Both the translucent inner pulp and the resinous yellow exudates from wounding the Aloe plant are used externally to relive skin disc omforts. The gel found in the leaves is used for soothing minor burns, wounds and various skin conditions like eczema and ringworm. Aloevera gel has both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. The constituents include gibberlin,lectins,lignins,glucose ,mannose, glucuronic acid other polysaccharides including galctogalacturans and galactoglucoarabinomannas.The most abundant constituents is water(99%).The aloevera gel contain anti-inflammatory agent gibberlin and polysaccharides which effectively decrease inflammation and promote healing.Aloevera effectively relieves pain because it contain salicylic acid .Aloevera contain ligin which helps to penetrate deeply into skin to deliver its therapeutic effects. Most of the nursing interventions fit comfortably within the real of the natural therapys the illness healing paradigm shift and converge, and role of nurses shifts can gives to the healer. Therefore aloevera gel could be a suitable intervention which helps the nurse to reduce pain, edema and phlebitis. NEED FOR THE STUDY IV therapy has become a pervasive world wide as a routine therapy. Nurses yearly still insert, use and monitor millions of peripheral venous catheters (PVC).To diagnose and assess phlebitis severity is essential as a way to prevent a host of severe complications such as septic phlebitis, bacteremia, septicemia, arthritis, osteomyleitis eventually leading to death. However it is still prone to associated complications, of which phlebitis is most common, with prevalence varying between 20% to 80% Workman (2000). Villicampa (2008)Spanish review a national multicentric epidemiological study having the institutional participation of 10 centres. In this study 381 complications appears in the 2701 peripheral catheters studied which represents an incidence level of 14.11%.They reviewed 8700 treatment records this study proved that implementation of strategies to improve the quality of care reduces non instrumental complication persistent pain at the entrance point ,extravasations of edema, second or third degree phlebitis and infection associated with catheters. Nassaji Zaveareh (2007) conducted a prospective study on peripheral interventions catheter related factor .In this study 300 patients admitted to medical and surgical wards from April 2003 to Feb2004 were participated. Variables evaluated were age ,gender, site and size of catheter ,type of insertion and underlying condition were observed for 3 days continuously. Out of that 26 % occurred phlebitis . There were no significant relationship between age catheter bore size trauma and phlebitis. Related risk factors were gender,ie.,female site and type of insertion of catheter, diabetes mellitus and burns. Important role of nurse is to control pain that of thrombophlebitis. The quality of care received in the hospital was often reflected in client care. Among paramedical profession, nursing personals were inserting intravenous line, monitoring, administering intravenous fluids and administering medicines. Maintenance of peripheral intravenous cannulae and removal of peripheral cannulae was an integral component of nursing care. Nordell, et al.,(2002)in a study of 52 patients, found 5 diagnosed cases of thrombophlebitis (10% ) .Out of fifty two patients twenty six hand or wrist venipunctures, he found 3 with thrombophlebitis.Also he had done Fifteen forearm punctures produced the other 2 cases of phlebitis while of the eleven patients undergoing antecubital fossa venipuncture, none were found to have developed thrombophlebitis. The reported incidences of thrombophlebitis vary from a low of 2% 21 up to 15%.33.One well-controlled Swedish study of over 1000 cases reported venous complications of many types at 31% is having thrombophlebitis. Singh , Bhandary ( 2007) , Dhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu University Teaching Hospital, Nepal carried out a prospective observational study to determine the occurrence of peripheral intravenous catheter related phlebitis and to the possible factors associated to its development.A total 230 patients under intravenous catheter were selected peripheral infusion site was examined for signs of phlebitis once a day using jackson Standard visual phlebitis scale and the result obtained was 136(59.1%)patients developed thrombophlebitis. Related risk factors as found in the present study were insertion site (forearm), size of catheter (20G) and dwell time (>=36 hours). There were higher incident of phlebitis among the client with Intra venous drug administration and especially between ages 21 40 years. Therefore more attention and care are needed in these areas by the care provider. In another study the overall phlebitis rate was 39%. Phlebitis developed in 53% of patients with short lines, in 41% of patients with midsized lines, and in 10% of patients with long lines, and these catheters remained in place an average (Â ± SD) of 3.0 Â ± 2.4 days, 4.6 Â ± 3.4 days, and 7.8 Â ± 6.6 days, respectively. The variables that influenced the development of phlebitis, as determined by multivariate analysis, type of catheter, blood hemoglobin levels, and IV therapy with either corticosteroids or erythromycin Lutter et al.,conducted a retrospective survey to identify the complication of venous catheterization in the left lower limb and right lower limb for 1,143 patients. Patients occurred phlebitis in 56% in left lower limb 51% in right lower limb. Aloevera has salicylic acid which include in analgesic effects, it contains ligin which helps to penetrate deeply into skin to deliver the therapeutic effects, it contain anti-inflammatory agent gibberlin and polysaccharides which decrease inflammation and promote healing. Netherlands, conducted a prospective study on treatment of superficial thrombophlebitis with aloevera gel in relieving the local pain, swelling and redness. In this 116 patients were selected with thrombophlebitis and applied for a period of 3 days. The efficacy of aloevera was recorded. There is a drastic improvement in patient received aloevera gel as treatment than the control group Winchers IM (2005). The investigator selected this study because during her clinical experience has observed the many patients who had admitted in the hospital with cannula, developed the catheter related complications such as blockage, pain, redness and thrombophlebitis. This incidence insists the investigator to do some intervention to overcome this problem. Nurses need to be equipped with current interventional skills in relieving the pain, edema severity of inflammation and to prevent and treat complications.Hence the investigator interested in assessing the effectiveness of aloveragel in thrombophlebitis patients in reducing pain, edema, and severity of inflammation. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: A study to assess the effectiveness of aloveragel in reducing pain, edema and severity of inflammation among thrombophlebitis patients in selected hospitals at Kanyakumari District May 2010. OBJECTIVES To assess the pretest level of pain, edema and severity of inflammation for the experimental and control group. To assess the post test level of pain, edema and severity of inflammation in experimental and control group. To compare the pre test level of thrombophlebitis between experimental and control group. To compare the posttest level of thrombophlebitis between the experimental and control group. To compare the pre and post test level of thrombophlebitis for both the experimental group. To compare the pre and post test level of thrombophlebitis for both the control group. To associate the post test level of thrombophlebitis of the experimental and ontrol group with their selected demographic variables. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION Assess Systematically and collecting, validating and communicating the patient data. Effectiveness: In this study effectiveness means reduction of pain and edema and severity of inflammation of thrombophlebitis patients after the administration of aloveragel. Pain Refers the discomfort and irritability felt by the patient intravenous infusion site due to inflammation of vein and it is assessed by numerical pain scale. Edema Refers to the swelling in the infusion site and assessed by edema scale. Phlebitis: Refers to the redness which is occurred due to the intravenous infusion and is assessed by phlebitis scale. Aloeveagel: Refers to green leaves when it is teared which contain semi solid liquid and is applied in affected site. ASSUMPTION Pain,edema and severity of inflammation among thrombophlebitis can be reduced in adults by applying Aloveragel. Patient with thrombophlebitis at intravenous infusion site have pain , edema and inflammation . HYPOTHESIS RH1 There is a significant difference in pre test level of pain, edema and severity of inflammation between experimental and control group. RH2 There is a significant difference in post test level of pain, edema and severity of inflammation between experimental and control group. RH3 There is a significant difference in pre and post test level of pain, edema and severity inflammation among thrombophlebitis patients in experimental group. RH4 There is a significant difference in pre and post test level of pain, edema and severity of inflammation among thrombophlebitis patients for control group. RH5 There is a significant association of post test level of pain, edema and severity of inflammation among thrombophlebitis patients with their selected demographic variables (age, sex, site,duration etc). DELIMITATION The study is delimited for 4 weeks of data collection. The study is limited to a sample of 60 adults. CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK Conceptual model presents certain views of phenomena in the world that have profound influences on our perception of that world. A model is a simplification of reality or representation of reality. Concepts in the model builds consider relevant and as aids to understanding. The study is mainly focused to find out the effectiveness of aloeveragel in reducing pain,edema and severity of inflammation among thrombophlebitis patients. In order to reduce pain,edema and severity of inflammation aloveragel was applied. The investigator adopted the Kings Goal Attainment theory (1980) as a base for developing the conceptual framework. Imogene Kings Goal attainment theory is based on the personnel and interpersonal systems, including interaction, perception, communication, transaction, role, stress, growth and development, time and action. PERCEPTION: Refers to person representation of reality. It is universal yet highly subjective and unique to each person. Hence the investigator perception was peoples may have pain,edema and severity of inflammation JUDGEMENT: The investigator judged that application of aloeveragel reduces pain,edemaand severity of inflammation thrombophlebitis patients. The investigator to judge the need to reduce the level of pain,edema and severity of inflammation. ACTION: The investigator applied aloeveragel. The thrombophlebitis patient willingness to accept aloeveaagel and participate in the study. REACTION: The investigator and to asset mutual goal setting. INTERACTION: Refers to verbal and non verbal behavior of individual and the environment or two or more individual with a purpose to achieve goal. It includes the goal directed perception and communication. Here the investigator interacts with the thrombophlebitis patient by giving aloeveragel applied 3 times per day. TRANSACTION: Refers to an observable, purposeful behavior of individual interaction with their environment to achieve the desired goal. At this stage the investigator analysis the pain,edema and severity of inflammation among thrombophlebitis patients in order to administer aloeveragel application.The positive outcome in post test is the reduction of pain,edema and severity of inflammation which indicate the aloeveragel application. OUT LINE OF THE REPORT The report is divided into 6 Chapters: Chapter I dealt with background of the study, need for the study, statement of the problem, objectives, operational definitions, research hypotheses, assumptions, delimitations of the study, conceptual framework and outline of the report. Chapter II relates with review of related literature pertaining to various areas of study. Chapter III contains with the research design, variables, setting of the study, population, sample, sample size, sampling technique, criteria for sample selection, development and description of the tool, content validity, reliability of the tool, pilot study, procedure for data collection and analysis of the study. Chapter IV presents the data analysis and interpretation of data Chapter V relates with discussion based on the findings of the study. Chapter VI includes summary, conclusions, nursing implications, limitations and recommendations of the study. The report ends with bibliography and appendices.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Effective Leadership through Communication Essay

An effective leader with a team of multicultural and multilingual individuals, requires basic skills in communication. This paper discusses some basic types of communication and a possible methodology to ensure that the communication is understood. Communication in different forms Firstly it is important to having a basic understanding of communication, Bonvillain discusses this when she states that language is: â€Å"The primary means of interaction between people. Speakers use language to convey their thoughts, feelings intentions and desires to others. Bonvillain then goes on to say that: ‘We learn about people through what they say and how they say it; we learn about ourselves through the ways that other people react to what we say; and how we learn about our relationships with others through the give and take of communicative interactions. ’ (N. Bonvillain, 2003 Language Culture and Communication, p. 1) Jeanne Brett, Kristin Behfar, and Mary C. Kern discuss communications within teams and further analysis the categorisations in a 2006 Harvard Business Journal: â€Å"People tend to assume that challenges on multicultural teams arise from differing styles of communication. But this is only one of the four categories that, according to our research, can create barriers to a team’s ultimate success. These categories are direct versus indirect communication; trouble with accents and ? uency; differing attitudes toward hierarchy and authority; and con? icting norms for decision making. † Both of these statements support that communication can be broken down in to different categories, but the categories differ depending on the context. In my opinion whether the communication is verbal (spoken language) or non-verbal (gesture or body language) or contextual (shared experience), discovering new cultures through experience rather than theory is not without its difficulties, small signals, that may easily be missed, can be key to the formation of a successful team. For example in southern India the simple act of saying thank you can leave an individual offended, this is because â€Å"thank you† is something a senior would say to a junior employee at work to show a power status, and so an individual thanking a peer would be impolite where as in the UK individuals are taught to say thank you from an early age for all transactions. An extremely common gesture in India is the head nod or wobble, this gesture does not necessarily relate to a yes or no response, it can mean â€Å"ok†, â€Å"I hear you speaking† or â€Å"I understand† this can be confusing and one individual in the conversation may not understand the route the conversation has taken if they are not aware of this gesture. This is supported in further research: â€Å"Communication in Western cultures is typically direct and explicit. The meaning is on the surface, and a listener doesn’t have to know much about the context or the speaker to interpret it. This is not true in many other cultures, where meaning is embedded in the way the message is presented. † (Jeanne Brett, Kristin Behfar, and Mary C. Kern Harvard Business Journal, 2006) As with the head nod the use of the smile can differ greatly wherever you are. In India I have been invited to a few weddings; it is the tradition here for the reception to be held prior to the ceremony. The reception consists of the Bride and Groom standing on a stage and all the guests joining them to have a photo taken, in these photos, no one smiles. From my research this is because, for the Bride this can be an unnerving experience, she is about to leave the comfort surroundings of her home, and step in to a new world of her husbands, the bride has been taught to appear shy, and the friends and relatives are respecting that tradition. Depending on the culture a smile can mean different things. In the German culture, according to Nees, a smile â€Å"is used with far more discretion, generally only with those persons one knows and likes† (Nees 2000. P. 93) where as in Korean culture, too much smiling is often perceived as the sign of a shallow person. Dresser notes that this â€Å"lack of smiling by the Koreans has often been misinterpreted as a sign of hostility†. (Dresser, 1996. 21). Challenge: How to manage when in the field In my opinion it is the reaction to these misunderstandings or communication barriers that is the key to the success or failure of the interaction, how the Team Leader reacts and the attitude they exhibit is the difference between learning the greater complexities of an individual’s culture and offending them. This is discussed further on in the paper, in techniques and tools. To ensure the success of a multi-cultural team a single unifying objective needs to be understood by all, Cartmill discusses this point: â€Å"Language lets us get vast numbers of big, smart fellow primates all working together on a single task – building the great wall of China or fighting World War 2 or flying to the moon. † (M. Cartmill, 1998, Gift of Gab p. 56) Putting this in the context of a Raleigh programme the objective remains the same for all, this is to complete a 3 month programme volunteering in remote communities whilst contributing to sustainable development. Although the end goal may be the same, the driving force or the motivation for each individual will be wildly different. For example one individual entered the Expedition to personally develop his social skills by living with a group of people in close proximity and to be taken out of his comfort zone; another individual wanted to be taken seriously and no longer seen as the group clown. For a Team Leader to be successful it is important that they understand the overall group objectives and individuals motivations, that the team leader has open communication channels with all individuals within the team, and that the individuals have the opportunity to share and express their own culture and identity. The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language states that: Cheering at a football game, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, or shouting names or slogans at a public meeting can both re-enforce your group identification and reveal a great deal about you – in particular your culture, regional origins, social background, education level, occupation, age, gender and personality. (Crystal, the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, 1997. 13) A Team Leader can achieve this by using the structured personal development journals. The journal breaks down the expedition in to the 3 phases and askes appropriate questions to help the volunteer to think about and express their motivations and aspirations of the expedition. Once the volunteer fills the appropriate section the Team Leader has 1:1 sessions with all individuals in the team, this gives the individual time with the Team Leader specifically to discuss their development and any support they require from the Team Leader, this is also an opportunity for the Team Leader to provide feedback. By having this conversation and writing it down it provides a chronological account of the volunteer’s time on programme thus showing their journey through development and achievements. The Team Leaders and Day Leaders also run group sessions through facilitated reviews, to inform group bonding. E Griffin talks about this in A First look at Communication Theory (1994. p173) It is a very natural inclination when meeting someone to talk about a topic that both parties might enjoy; and should those talks prove interesting, it is equally natural for friendships to form and evolve. The more points of contact you can establish, the more comfortable you feel. Secondly facilitated sessions with the team over the first few weeks to unite them as one team, simple tasks such as a group contract and discussing â€Å"house rules† provides boundaries and a framework for individuals to work from, by doing this through facilitation the team are setting their own boundaries and gaining an understanding of each other, thus also providing a platform to challenge each other if the boundaries are breached. Techniques: Facilitation, Eric Burnes tools A useful tool or methodology I have found is Eric Burne’s Transactional Analysis (TA). In its most basic form the model teaches that there are 3 ego states, Parent (Taught), Adult (thought) and Child (felt), if you communicate with someone from the Child ego state the response you will receive is one from a Parent ego state and vice versa, and the most beneficial form of communication is Adult to Adult. In my opinion is that if this is taken in the context of communication (verbal or non) within multi-cultural teams, if a team leader can address all individuals as an Adult, an adult will respond, warranting a productive team or successful project. It is important to note that the different categories of communication are important at this point as only 7% of meaning is in the words spoken, 38% of meaning is paralinguistic (the way that the words are said) and the final 55% is in facial expression or body language. Adding to this the knowledge that cultural differences can be as simple as a smile, an adult response will encourage the individual to participate in the communication and explain rather than be mocked (child) or scolded (Parent). An example of this would be: The day leader of the group (the day leader is an individual from the team who is chosen by the team to be the temporary leader, and usually is in this position for 3 days) had allocated tasks for the group, on day 3 of their day leader duties there was unrest within the group,(this unrest was fueled by the day leader) a team of 4 had been working on one particular part of the project which was digging cess pits for sanitation units, the day leader had allocated herself to this task for the 3 days and was unhappy at the amount of time standing in a muddy hole. Due to her frustration and the teams bickering, she approached the Team Leader and started shouting about the situation (raised voice, arms crossed in front of body, emotive language = Child ego), how it was extremely unfair that they had this task and how disgusting standing in a puddle was. The Team Leader responded in a (calm voice of normal range, arms to the sides creating neutral body language = Adult ego state) and asked questions such as: Is there anything you could do differently to resolve the situation? How can we all ensure this does not happen again? The response from the day leader was instantaneous, the shouting stopped and the day leader re allocated the team to different roles, set up a rotation system with a suitable handover discussion and communicated the change to the entire team. This is an ideal scenario, the change in response was very fast. Sometimes it may take a few interactions from the Adult ego to bring the other individual to reciprocate appropriately. Conclusion This example demonstrates that the reaction of the Team Leader ensured that the â€Å"issue† was resolved. By doing this through questioning and facilitating a conversation, the day leader felt that they were in control of the group, and were empowered to make decisions, then communicate those decisions, better enabling the day leader to perform their role whilst being supported by the team leader. As it can be the first time they have lead a team, add to this cultural differences and language barriers and It can be a very confusing and intimidating time for a day leader, and the Team Leader should expect confrontations like this, When we talk about culture it is useful to understanding it can be broken down in to basic topics, such as why and when someone smiles, and accepting that it may differ from what we already know. This helps the individual to have an open mind and appreciate that everything they know about human behavior in their own environment, can, and should, be challenged, and the results are likely to appear different from what they currently know.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Essay about Health and social care diploma unit 305

Unit 4222-305 1. Explain how and why person-centred values must influence all aspects of health and social work Person centred values must influence all aspects of work as it provides a more holistic and individual support service for the individual. Person centred values also support the individual with making their own choices and helps empower the person. Person centred values include; Treating people as individuals Supporting people to access their rights Supporting people to exercise choice Supporting people to be as independent as possible Treating people with dignity and respect Recognising that working with people is a partnership rather than a relationship controlled by professionals 2. Analyse factors that†¦show more content†¦All organisations have a complaints procedure and you could find out the relevant information about how to make a complaint and support the person with making a complaint or complain on their behalf if they wanted too. You could attend meetings with them and provide support with challenging decisions made or questioning these decisions. You should also make sure that the individual is always aware of all choices and options that are open to them. 6. Explain the links between identity, self image and self esteem Self-image is the person we think we are and self-esteem is the worth we attach to our self-image. Identity is all the factors that the individual feels are important to defining who they are for example gender, age, race, religious background, family, home environment, and financial status. 7. Analyse factors that contribute to the well-being of individuals Factors that can contribute to an individual’s wellbeing include physical and mental health, emotional and intellectual fulfilment and overall contentment. Contentment is often achieved by someone’s’ needs being met for example a person with housing issues may feel content once supported to get a property. 8. 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